Let's Read!

My Love of Books Started at Birth

I was born to two people who love literature. Poetry, prose, creative, non-fiction, self-help, short story, long story, all of it. 

From the day I was born, my parents read to me day in and day out. I couldn't and still can't get enough!

In Fact, Taking "Bedtime Stories" Away was Punishment!

Every night, my parents read  3-4 bedtime stories to me. Well, I was a bit of a handful. 

If (on the very rare occasion) I was misbehaving, I'd lose one bedtime story! Nothing whipped me into shape faster. I could earn them back by behaving, and often, I did. 

When I became too old for bedtime stories (are you ever too old?!) I would read until the sun came up! I still do, on occasion...okay, more than on occasion!

Now I Run & Read To Relax

In addition to reading, I love to run! I'm not very fast. But, to me, the best way to relax is to go for a run and end my night with a good book!

I’m going to read and write reviews of all the books I read on this site. My goal is to help get the word out about the books I love, so you might read them too! So, follow along and get lost in a book with me!